Speaker: Dr. Darya Funches

  • August 7, 2022 Service

    This Sunday We Are Pleased to Share Dr. Darya Funches  ~ Speaker ‘ From The Caterpillar To The Butterfly ‘ Penny Hinojosa  ~  Reader ‘ Add Wings To Your World […]

  • July 3, 2022 Service

      This Sunday We Are Pleased to Share Dr. Darya Funches   ~  Speaker ‘ See The Vision Through In 2022 ‘ Johnny Troy  ~  Reader  ‘ Being Free ‘ […]

  • June 5, 2022 Service

      This Sunday We Are Pleased to Share Dr. Darya Funches  ~  Speaker ‘ See The Vision Through in 2022 Go All The Way, Get Out Of The Way ‘ […]

  • May 8, 2022 Service

      This Sunday We Are Pleased to Share Dr. Darya Funches ~  Speaker ‘ See The Vision Through In 2022 ‘ Eileen Selleck  ~  Reader  ‘  ‘Joyce Marick  ~  Pianist […]

  • April 3, 2022 Service

      This Sunday We Are Pleased to Share Dr. Darya Funches ~ Speaker ‘ See The Vision Through in 2022: Make Peace With The Revelatory You ‘ Susan Finlay ~ […]

  • March 6, 2022 Service

      This Sunday We Are Pleased to Share Dr. Darya Funches  ~  Speaker ‘ See The Vision Through In 2022 ‘ Jerry Kaija  ~  Reader  ‘  ‘Dallas Talley ~ Pianist […]