Archives: Episode

  • Legends and Language – June 9, 2020

      The Center For Positive Living in Centralia Presents Grandfather Roy Wilson Legends & Language of the Cowlitz and Native Americans Hosted by  Penny Hinojosa 427 MB  DOWNLOAD (note: It […]

  • June 7, 2020 Service

      Speaker  –  Darya      Reader  –  Penny Pianist & Song Leader  –  Joyce Full Service – 210 MB – DOWNLOAD Darya – 123 MB – DOWNLOAD (note: It may […]

  • Legends and Language – June 2, 2020

      The Center For Positive Living in Centralia Presents Grandfather Roy Wilson Legends & Language of the Cowlitz and Native Americans Hosted by  Penny Hinojosa 427 MB  DOWNLOAD (note: It […]

  • Legends and Language – June 4, 2020

      The Center For Positive Living in Centralia Presents Grandfather Roy Wilson Legends & Language of the Cowlitz and Native Americans Hosted by  Penny Hinojosa 427 MB  DOWNLOAD (note: It […]

  • May 31, 2020 Service

      Speaker  –  Sandy      Reader  –  Susan Pianist & Song Leader  –  Joyce Full Service – 233 MB – DOWNLOAD Sandy – 102 MB – DOWNLOAD (note: It may […]

  • May 24, 2020 Service

      Reader  –  Joanne Guitarist  –  Mike      Song Leaders – Caryn & Mike Full Service – 244 MB – DOWNLOAD (note: It may take a minute or so to start […]