A positive path for spiritual living in Lewis County

Category Archives: Uncategorized

December 2019 ~ Awakening Joy

Unity’s 2019 Theme is One Humanity, Many Stories November’s Theme is: Awakening Joy: I am a perfect child of God, filled with wisdom, peace, joy, and light. When we moved from the city to the country, we were delighted by two mother deer…

12 Powers ~ Life – December

From:    12 Powers: Life   Affirmation: I am filled with life, sweet life. Life The ability to energize, vitalize, enliven, animate, and invigorate. The disciple is Judas. He represents the cleansing of selfishness, allowing the life force to flow to every part…

Audrey’s Gratitude Handout from November 10, 2019 Service

Simple ways to make gratitude a part of every day (Ciara Conlon, lifehack.org) Keep a gratitude journal and add to it every day. Tell someone you love them and how much you appreciate them. Notice the beauty in nature each day. Nurture the…

November 2019 ~ Expressing Gratitude

Unity’s 2019 Theme is One Humanity, Many Stories October’s Theme is Expressing Gratitude: I am gratefully and wonderfully blessed. There is an art to gratitude. There is a form, structure, a knack for growing it, developing it, and subsequently owning it as a…

12 Powers: Elimination – November

From    12 Powers: Elimination – November Affirmation: I release anything and everything that no longer serves my unfolding good. Elimination—The ability to release, remove, denounce, deny, let go. The disciple is Thaddeus. He represents the expulsion of negative thinking. The corresponding color…

October 2019 ~ Finding Comfort

Unity’s 2019 Theme is One Humanity, Many Stories October’s Theme is Finding Comfort The Christ Presence is my guide, my strength, and my comfort. Comfort might feel like a warm blanket on a cold winter day, a place to relax and feel safe.…