This Sunday We Are Pleased to Share
Reverend Rosella Sims ~ Speaker
‘ The Quest ‘
Halle Bailey ~ Reader
‘ The Grateful Heart ‘John Davis ~ Pianist
Sherry Lauter & John Davis ~ Song Leaders
‘ There Is One Goal ‘
‘ Here In The Real World ‘
‘ Peace, Peace ‘
Service Offerings
Quest Handout
Song Lyrics
What So Ever I Sow I Reap
There is a chain of mind action connecting cause and effect in all the activities of life. This chain forged by man and its links are thoughts and words.” -CF
There was a time in ancient history when God was caught and put in a box. As consciousness grew so did God or the awareness of God through humanity. We have come a long way in our knowing God, but have we learned the Laws of God. In particular the Law of Cause and Effect? I hear the question asked again and again, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Could it have something to do with Universal Law?